
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition Guidebook

This is one of my favorite books!

Nancy Clark, MS, RD, CSSD is an internationally known sports nutritionist and nutrition author. She is a registered dietitian (RD) who specializes in nutrition for exercise, health and the nutritional management of eating disorders. She is board certified as a specialist in sports dietietics (CSSD). Check out her website at

She also has a blog on which is worth reading.

Anyway, back to this book. The Sports Nutrition Guidebook covers all the nutrition questions you have as an athlete. The chapters include:
  • Eating Strategies for High Energy
  • Fueling During and After Exercise
  • Eliminating the Carbohydrate Confusion
  • Protein and Performance
  • Balancing Weight and Activity
  • Finding a Healthy Body Fat Level
  • Losing Weight Without Starvation
  • and many more!
Plus the book has fantastic recipes! I'll post my favorite on tomorrow... Review
What's the best diet for good health and athletic performance? Nancy Clark, M.S., R.D., describes the dietary balance and specific foods shown to be optimal for athletes from recreational exercisers to Olympic hopefuls, citing supporting studies. Refreshingly free of high-protein hype, Clark emphasizes a varied, wholesome, moderate diet high in complex carbohydrates ("without question, wholesome carbohydrates are the best choices for fueling your muscles and promoting good health"), especially whole grains and starches; adequate but not excessive protein; and 20 to 35 percent fat. Learn the components and variables of your ideal diet, with tables of nutritional information and marvelous tidbits, such as calorie/fat counts of various fast foods. Did you realize that an Au Bon Pain pecan roll has 800 calories and 45 grams of fat--double the calories/fat in a serving of KFC's Crispy Strips? Did you know that a Dunkin' Donuts 16-ounce Coffee Coolatta with cream has 410 calories and 22 grams of fat--about equivalent to a McDonald's Quarter-Pounder? Clark, a well-known sports nutrition expert, also covers weight loss, weight gain, eating disorders, and includes 72 recipes. Highly recommended for athletes, exercisers, and average folk who want to understand how to design a personalized diet. --Joan Price

You get get the book on, and most other book sellers.


sports nutrition said...

Thanks for this post, and I totally agree with you about good blog comments.A similar supplement is amino acids. Proteins are made up of amino acids, and when you ingest a protein, it is broken down into its amino acid components and then reformed into muscle protein.

Unknown said...

Exquisite blogging. These are often powders for making shakes, or high-protein energy bars, and are usually made from soy, eggs, or dairy.

sports nutrition