
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Running Hills

I read something the other day that makes complete sense to me. Hill running is a great way to get a hard workout in, without a lot of pounding on your body. We all know that. What I didn't think about is that the downhill is actually worse on your body. If you're a new runner, then walk the downhills. If you are an intermediate/advance runner, then you can run the downhills. But what I didn't realize, and I can't remember where I read this (Joe Freil?), is that if you're an intermediate/advanced runner, but you have a history of foot/heel/achilles/calf pain, then walk the downhill.

Good advice. Plus, it's too early in the season to injure yourself!

Happy running,


Janet said...

Hey! That explains something that has been puzzling me! The day after I do hills (including downhill), my calves are very sore for the first couple of miles. Hmmmm. What can a runner do about that??

LaVonne said...

Calf raises in your weight training! Calf strength is so important for triathletes in general, and can often be a problem area (including achilles). You use them so much in biking too - raise, raise, raise them! And do the type where you're standing on a step, so you can drop the heel down all the way on the down part.